I wanted to check an ebay auction on my mobile the other day. I typed in
m.ebay.co.uk as the m subdomain seems to be the common mobile web shortcut (see
m.google.co.uk and
m.flickr.com). But that didn't work. Next I tried
ebay.co.uk/mobile (I think I might have googled for that) which linked to
pages.ebay.co.uk/mobile/web/ which in turn promised me that the address I was after was
ebaymobile.co.uk. But that didn't work either! Eventually, I think through googling some more I found it at
wap.ebay.co.uk. eBay isn't the first company to use the wap subdomain, see also
wap.tfl.gov.uk. I think the most rediculous mobile subdomain I know of is nationalrail's
Kai is against the .mobi TLD as he believes that it will fragment the web, but as all these subdomains suggest, we do need separate pages for devices with small screens, as good as CSS is, it cannot do it alone, and once you admit that we need different pages for mobiles wouldn't it be easier if we all knew that we could use the .mobi address? I really do prefer the m subdomain over all of this though, purely because it's fewer letters to type on a tiny keyboard. Incidentally
wap.ebay.co.uk is pretty good and
ebay.mobi forwards to
UPDATE: Another thing that annoys me is browser detection. If I go to a mobile site I do not want to be redirected to the desktop site just because the site in question doesn't know about the browser I am using.
UPDATE: I emailed ebay about their issue, and surprisingly they responded. In their email was this gem: "We do have carrier-specific mobile sites." WTF?
I'm just working on my mobile site (m.ukfree.tv), largely because of Google Voice Search on my G1...
This may be of interest, this graphic represents the screen sizes and colour depths of the devices that have visited so far.
There graphic is here ...
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