Private modules with Go mod
5 years ago
rant verb (ranted, ranting) 1 intrans to talk in a loud, angry, pompous way. 2 tr & intr to declaim in a loud, pompous, self-important way. noun 1 loud, pompous, empty speech. 2 an angry tirade. ranter noun someone, especially a preacher, who rants. ranting noun, adj. rantingly adverb. ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from Dutch ranten to rave.
1 comment:
I have to admit, I got suckered by supportonclick but the ironic thing is that my computer was slow and infected. When they finished, it ran faster and the infection was cleared. The suckers charged me 150.00 that I had to wire to India and said that would cover me for two years. (shoulda picked up on that - wire to India!!)
I even noticed they had placed an icon on my desktop so I could connect with a tech, which for a while I was able to. About a year later the PC was acting up and I tried to click their icon but the website was no longer available. We ended up getting another PC and a few days later guess who called and said was I having trouble with my PC. I was furious!!! I told the tech they should be able to see that I have a new PC and nothing is wrong with it. Besides, when I needed to contact them the website did not work, etc. etc. I told them do NOT call my number ever. You're right - Supportonclick is a scam!!
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