So I am now in Potosi (4050m), about to do a tour of a working mine, and since I haven't been able to find a bed for the night, and me mate Dave is there I am going to try to head for Sucre tonight.
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5 years ago
rant verb (ranted, ranting) 1 intrans to talk in a loud, angry, pompous way. 2 tr & intr to declaim in a loud, pompous, self-important way. noun 1 loud, pompous, empty speech. 2 an angry tirade. ranter noun someone, especially a preacher, who rants. ranting noun, adj. rantingly adverb. ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from Dutch ranten to rave.
1 comment:
Good to hear you're still with us Jamie! I love the pics again .... what a great place to drive my Landy!!!!
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